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Lisman Holdings Inc. to Distribute Osti-Klenz

Osti-Klenz quickly cleans ostomy pouches.

Audit Abuse in Medicare

Waste in Medicare — right under their noses.

Rob Baumhover Joins VGM & Associates

Baumhover brings retail strategy expertise to member service organization.

U.S Health Spending Rate Hits Rock Bottom

Report says recession put 2009's pace of healthcare spending at 50-year low.

VGM Group’s C.E.A.C. Credential Finalist for Award

Dorland Health Silver Crown Award recognizes excellence in senior services.

MyGlucoHealth Partners with ZyXEL

Companies aim to improve real-time remote digital health monitoring for diabetes management.

evo Medical Solutions Acquires Inspired Technologies

Acquisition adds Smartdose technology to evo’s product line.

O2Delivery.Net Adds Provider Info to Directory

New content will help users to easily find provides in their area.

Medtrade Spring Registration Underway

Early bird discount now available.

Amoena and Juzo Sponsor Launch POWER Symposium

Conference event aims to re-energize business among industry retailer.

DeVilbiss Revamps Website

Website offers improved consistency with brand image, easier navigation.

AAHomecare Asks House to Nix NCB

Association calls on House leaders to include a repeal of national competitive bidding in the GOP bill to stop healthcare reform.

Round One Complaints Rolling in

Associations say providers telling many tales of Round One frustrations.

Philips Aquires medSage Technologies

Remote reporting and interaction business will become part of Philips’ sleep business.

Competitive Bidding

2011 Big Ten

Competitive Bidding

The industry has fought a long fight, but Round One has reached implementation. What next?

Oberservation Deck

‘Tis the Season for Effective Marketing

Now is the time to develop an effective seasonal marketing plan for 2011. Here are some key considerations.

Home Accessibility

2011 Big Ten

Home Accessibility

Providers are giving home access a second look as they seek out new revenue opportunities.

Problem Solver:

The Compression Conundrum

Why patients fail to comply with compression treatment and how providers can help them.


2011 Big Ten


Bariatric patients continue to be a key patient segment that HMEs should target during 2011.

Computer Software

2011 Big Ten

Computer Software

HME software systems and services have become essential strategic assets for competing in 2011.

Editor's Note

Time for Action


2011 Big Ten


How providers deal with the nasty fact of life that Medicare audits have become will shape their 2011.

New Business Models

2011 Big Ten

New Business Models

Many providers will have to reshape their businesses in order to survive and thrive in 2011.

Cash Sales

2011 Big Ten

Cash Sales

If 2010 was HMEs’ education in ‘retail 101,’ then 2011 is their graduation to cash sales graduate school.

Financial Services

2011 Big Ten

Financial Services

As CMS funding pressures force providers into new business models, they will require financial help from various sources.

HME Business Podcast