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HHS OIG: Most Power Chairs Aren’t Medically Necessary

Report says 61% of 2007’s power wheelchair claims weren’t medically necessary or lacked documentation.

ResMed Acquires BiancaMed

Irish firm has developed touch-free device that measures sleep and breathing.

ATG Rehab Acquires Chesapeake Rehab

Historic deal marks the largest acquisition to date in the complex rehab industry.

Private Party

Are private payors’ short-sighted ‘velvet rope’ strategies shapes of HME to come?

How to Improve your Delivery Operations Management

HMEs must find ways that they can increase efficiency for their delivery operations. Fortunately, there are a couple key technologicalsolutions at hand that can help them.

How to Establish Your Business as a Home Accessibility Authority

As the needs for home access increase, savvy providers need ways to tap into this burgeoning segment.

How to Improve your Funding/Claims Performance

Dedicated software systems help provider become masters of efficient billing and claims processing.

How to Enlist Patients to Help Your Government Affairs Efforts

Patients are providers' best political ally. Here are some ways to mobilize them.

How to Protect your Business from Medicare Claims Audits

Pre- and post-payment audits are plaguing providers, and there are some key things they can do to shield themselves.

How to Determine Mobility Patients’ Cushion Needs

For patients that spend their days in mobility devices, they must have the right cushion.

How to Ensure the Best Therapy Outcomes Using a CPM

CPM machines are considered advantageous for post-surgical treatment. How can providers help ensure the best results.

How to Provide a Range of Services that Supports Bariatric Patients

As more and more people fit the definition of being obese, the increase in the need for bariatric equipment rises as well.

How to Match Mattress Types to Patient Wound Care Needs

The population of bariatric patients is increasing, and so to is the need for providers to sell mattresses that prevent and help treat wounds for patients that spend a good deal of time in bed.

How to Prepare for Round Two of Competitive Bidding

Round one has given providers some insights on what they need to do to prepare for Round Two.

How to Help Patients Comply with Compression Treatment

Helping patients comply with compression therapy requires understanding, application, comfort, appearance and price.

MSO Buying Group Membership

Today’s HME MSOs have evolved to offer much more than just group purchasing. How can providers make the most of their memberships?

How to Help New Diabetes Patients Better Manage Their Condition

Newly diagnosed diabetes patients need lots of assistance to ensure compliance. How can providers give it to them?

How Oxygen Providers Can Implement Business Practices for Today’s Funding Environment

With the rental cap, audits and competitive bidding, providers need to closely examine their businesses to bolster margins.

How to Ensure Accreditation Renewal Goes Smoothly

Whatever the reason for renewing accreditation, now is the time to start preparing to ensure the process goes smoothly.

How to Leverage Your Software for Strategic Planning

With today's funding cuts, the data generated by HME software can show you your strengths, as well as where you might be able to cut and save some precious operating dollars.

How to Help Oxygen Patients Use Their POCs Properly

As POCs have gained acceptance and usage — sometimes as a primary oxygen device — the need to ensure patients truly understand their devices is essential.

How Power Mobility HMEs can Become Rental Businesses

Now that the standard power mobility business has been turned upside-down, what can providers do to transition to a new business model?

Anti-Fraud Bill Floated in Senate

FAST Act would target power chairs for pre-pay review; could be expanded to more DME.

AAHomecare Calls for Changes to CPAP ABN Rules

Letter to CMS asks for ABNs to be used on day one of therapy if noncompliance likely.

Video Highlights Fallout of Round One

HME Business Podcast