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Providers Respond en Masse to Hurricane Sandy

HMEs across the northeast work relentlessly to assist patients affected by massive storm.

Observation Deck

Preaching to the Converted

Annual Software Roundup: The Fine Art of Being Prepared

Products & Technology

Annual Software Roundup: The Fine Art of Being Prepared

Providers are in for a tough 2013, and no business asset can better help them prepare for the coming year than their information systems. Once again we survey various software packages to see how they can help HMEs prepare for whatever 2013 has in store, whether it's competitive biding Round Two or the continued assault of CMS audits.

Editor's Note

What's at Stake

Problem Solvers

Best Practices for Portable Oxygen

Portable oxygen use has been revolutionary not only for creating low/no-delivery models for providers, but for helping patients enjoy their lives and better therapeutic outcomes. As portable oxygen use grows, providers are developing best practices that are helping patients master their devices and achieve maximum benefit.

HME Hospitality

Business Solutions

HME Hospitality

Home access and ensuring home safety represent an important market opportunity for providers to expand their businesses while tapping into their existing patient and referral partner relationships. The challenge lies in ensuring they can meet the unique needs of various patient groups. We look at how HMEs can lay out a welcome mat that appeals to all of their patients.

HME Christian Fellowship Hosts Prayer Breakfast

Author, ministry leader Robertson keynotes second annual event at Medtrade 2012.

Rep. Price: “Competitive Bidding Is Hardly Competitive”

H.R. 6490's lead lawmaker addresses attendees at Power for Funding reception.

Wilson to Providers: Become HME Zealots

AAHomecare head says providers must redouble their efforts to back H.R. 6490 in run-up to the election.

MPP Bill Picks up Two Co-Sponsors

H.R. 6490 now claims 16 backers, associations urge providers to join campaign to support bill.

Convaid Launches Community Outreach Program

Program designed for charitable donations, offers non-funded end users, non-profit organizations, schools with special education programs.

VGM Unveils Outcomes Plus Wellness Network

Helps providers work with ACOs, bundled payment participants, hospital readmission reduction programs.

PAMS Webinar Explains MPP

Experts outline program's benefits; discuss legislative objectives, challenges, opportunities.

AAHomecare Cuts Dues

Association revises dues structure to encourage more providers to join industry advocacy efforts.

Round Two: Bracing for 2013

Industry Roundtable

Round Two: Bracing for 2013

The coming year promises a rough ride for the industry. Providers face many issues: competitive bidding Round Two; the fight to replace it with the MPP; the continued assault of pre- and post-payment audits; the pending face-to-face rule; and pior authorization for power mobility to name just a few. HMEB’s editorial advisory board discuss these issues and more and share their insights on how providers should approach 2013.

RemZzzs Joins Active Healthcare’s Sleep Event

The Dreams with Hope tour makes a stop at sleep provider’s Oct. 10 learning event.

Team@Work Hosts Sales Academy

Medtrade pre-show sessions focus on sharpening HMEs’ strategic selling skills.

U.S. Rehab Unveils ATP Master Program

Ten-month study course aims to prep students for RESNA’s  ATP exam.

91 Charged in $430 Million Medicare Fraud Crackdown

Medicare Fraud Strike Force nabs various health professionals for alleged false billing of various items, including DME.

Editor's Note

Time to 'Go Big'

Taking the Bite Out of Oxygen Documentation


Taking the Bite Out of Oxygen Documentation

Although the denial rate may be improving, oxygen audits continue to challenge and frustrate providers. How can providers become oxygen audit ready?

Observation Deck

The DMEPOS Documentation Tour

Given the plethora of documentation mandates from government and private-sector sources that challenge small and large businesses alike, it is critical for providers to stay up to date with ever-changing documentation requirements that often mean the difference between getting paid for goods and services rendered or not. Here's an operations approach to "getting it done."

Solving Sleep Success

Business Solutions

Solving Sleep Success

Despite having to hurdle audits, competitive bidding, caps and cuts, the sleep industry continues to grow. We look at how some sleep providers are solving these problems and formulating successful business strategies.

Medtrade Fall 2012

Respiratory and Sleep Spotlight

HME Business Podcast