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Opening Note

HME's Big Swing

The home medical equipment industry swings like the pendulum do.

Problem Solvers

Serving the Bariatric Spectrum

The population of bariatric patients continues to rise, and along with them a variety of co-morbidities that must be treated. How can providers offer a complete array of bariatric services that serves this population's diverse needs?

HME Then & Now

HME Then & Now

As HME Business magazine celebrates its 20th anniversary, we asked various industry veterans to share their thoughts on where the industry has been, where it is headed, what providers should be considering, and how they should be shaping their strategies and business plans to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Reps. Price, Ellmers Respond to USA Today

Lawmakers defend their stance against competitive bidding.

‘Save Patient Access’ Petition Picks Up Steam

Effort calls on Obama administration to replace bidding with MPP.

Rep. Price, Lawmakers, Others Express Bidding Concerns to CMS

Letter backed by 100 cosigners asks acting CMS admin. for delay to bid program’s implementation.

HMEB Launches Q2 Sleep Survey

HME Business, Mizuho Securities partner to take pulse of industry’s sleep providers.

Wilson to Leave AAHomecare

National industry association will move forward with a new president/CEO in September.

VADMEC Wraps up Successful Winter Meeting

Event features various conference sessions, announces 2013 officers.

Senate Passes Repeal of Medical Device Tax

Legislation would need to pass House to end 2.3% excise tax.

DME Medicare Participation Enrollment Extended

Providers must decide by April 15 if they want to continue participating in Medicare program.

Industry Gears up for Medtrade Spring

Discounted registration still available for next week's show at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center.

Convaid, United Cerebral Palsy LA Celebrate National Developmental Disabilities Month

Wheelchair maker, UCPLA recognize occassion by donating custom wheelchair to 9-year-old girl.

Industry Speaks at Congressional Bidding Briefings

Various HME representatives brief House, Senate staff on competitive bidding’s flaws.

Competitive Could Impact Top DME Brands

Some sleep providers rethinking their profitability using leading equipment.

PECOS Phase 2 Effective on May 1

HME claims must be prescribed by health professionals in the system.

Complex Rehab Bill Re-introduced Into House

Bill calls for creating a separate benefit for complex rehab mobility devices.

Sequestration’s Impact on HME Still Coming Into Focus

OMB report shows cuts to HHS budget, but to what extent for HME?

DC Fly-in Drives Solid Turnout

More than 125 providers tick off more than 250 meetings, industry now follows up.

Home Sleep Testing


Re-examining HST

As HME providers look for additional revenue streams, they are giving home sleep testing a second look. Can it be a viable service?

Medtrade Spring 2013

Medtrade Spring 2013

Sharpening Skills, Expanding Offerings

RSM looks at some conference and products from this month's Medtrade Spring in Las Vegas.

Respiratory Therapist Obstacle Course

Respiratory Survey 2013

Respiratory Obstacle Course

The results of RSM’s Fourth Annual Respiratory Survey are in, and competitive bidding once again tops the list as the single biggest challenge facing RTs. What other challenges do they face and opportunities do they perceive?

HME Mergers and Aquisitions

Business Solutions

For Sale by Owner

Whether due to funding pressures, or simple expansion and competition, HME providers will see an increase in mergers and acquisition activity. What should both buyers and sellers know about the HME M&A market and the acquisition process?

Observation Deck

Is Your Business Bariatric-Ready?

The bariatric marketplace is on the forefront of the minds of doctors, caregivers, facilities, DME providers and manufacturers across the nation. As an HME provider, it is important you are poised toproperly service this market segment and develop your business further.

HME Business Podcast