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Cash Sales

The 2013 HME Handbook: Cash Sales

Making Retail Feel Real

Sleep Slowdown


Sleep Slowdown

Sleep growth appears to be slowing, according to the second quarter 2013 survey of sleep providers. Respondents to the twice-yearly survey indicated that HME sleep revenue growth could slow over then next 12 months.


The 2013 HME Handbook: Accreditation

Crossing T's and Dotting I's

Accounts Receiveable

The 2013 HME Handbook: Accounts Receiveable

Co-Pays Hit Critical Mass


The 2013 HME Handbook: CPM

Flexible, Considerate Therapy


The 2013 HME Handbook: Software

Laying a Retail Foundation

Cash Sales

The 2013 HME Handbook: Cash Sales

Adding Value to Add Revenue

Serta Perfect Lift Chair

Product Spotlight

Partnering Makes Perfect

Oxygen University


Oxygen University

Helping educate referral partners on the sizeable and continuous technological improvements of oxygen delivery systems is challenging, but it is also a very good opportunity for HME providers to create more business.

Lawmakers Back Delay of Round Two Implementation

More than 65 lawmakers sign dear colleague letter calling on CMS for administrative delay.

Sleep Slowdown


Sleep Slowdown

Sleep growth appears to be slowing, according to the second quarter 2013 survey of sleep providers. Respondents to the twice-yearly survey indicated that HME sleep revenue growth could slow over then next 12 months.

AAHomcare Recognizes Industry Advocates

Georgie Blackburn, Jackie Bolt awarded for their efforts on behalf of industry.

Round Two Winners’ Compliance Called Into Question

Significant portions of contract winners do not hold required state licenses, certifications.

DeVilbiss Production Returns to United States

DME maker moving production from China back to Pennsylvania.

Industry, Lawmakers Rally Around HME

Speakers, industry delegates set engaged, energetic tone for Washington Legislative Conference.

‘There’s No More Room for Apathy’

Provider, AAHomcare board member Tom Ryan makes impassioned call to action.

Washington Conference Re-Cap

H.R. 1717: Providers Must Tell a Strong Story

Rep. Price urges providers to have frank discussions with lawmakers to push through MPP legislation.

H.R. 1717 Gains 31 Backers

Number of MPP legislation’s co-sponsors swells to 96 lawmakers with more to come.

Providers Descend on Washington

Representatives of HME businesses nationwide gather at AAHomecare’s legislative conference to hit the Hill in support of H.R. 1717.

HME Super Staff

Products & Technology

Shaping Your Super Staff

A key change providers are facing in the wake of funding cuts is smaller staffs. How can providers leverage software to get optimal performance from their team members, and what are the staff management capabilities offered by the various systems on the market?

Industry Newsmaker

Fighting the Good Fight

PAMS Executive Director John Shirvinksy discusses the fine art of stopping competitive bidding, and what providers must do to make it happen.

Editor's Note

Defeating Defeatism

The fight to stop competitive bidding has been a tough slog, and it's not surprising some providers might be frustrated or worn out. But it's time to get re-energized. We have a bill in-hand, let’s get it passed.

MPP Bill Up to 65 Sponsors

H.R. 1717 continues momentum, picks up an additional 21 sponsors.

Schumer & Cochran Introduce CRT Senate Bill

H.R. 942 bid to create separate benefit for complex rehab gains a companion bill.

Product Spotlight

Partnering Makes Perfect

Pride Mobility joins up with well-known mattress maker Serta to offer the Perfect Lift, a lift chair with real retail appeal.

HME Business Podcast