Products & Technology
As the HME industry evolves, so too does its technology. A wide variety of systems have developed to help providers manage and adapt to change throughout their businesses.
- By David Kopf
- Dec 01, 2016
Despite the twists, turns, challenges and frustrations that
HME providers have faced, they have adapted to those changes. And the
software systems that providers use has changed with them. Like quickly
mutating strands of DNA, the genetics of HME technology tools have
adapted to a constantly changing business environment.
And as HME’s DNA has changed, it has branched out. Now there are a
whole variety of information technology options available to providers to
help them fine tune their businesses. Need to refine your delivery management?
There’s a solution. Need to improve your inventory operations? There’s a solution. Need to implement document imaging in order to better
respond to audit requests? There’s a solution.
And, of course there are the broad HME management systems that
help providers manage the entirety of their businesses, as well. And as the
industry has changed, those systems have added tools for responding to
those changes, as well. Where they used to be claims management systems,
those broad HME management systems now offer everything to advanced
reporting tools to retail point of sales solutions. Truly, information technology
has become HME’s DNA.
To help you stay on top of the various options available to help you ensure
your business adapts to changes, we’re once again publishing our annual
software roundup. And like last year, we have expanded that roundup to
include not just the large HME management offerings, but the various
specialized tools and systems to help providers deal with specific challenges.
This year, we’ve collected systems in these categories:
- HME Management Systems
- Accounts Receivable
- Billing/Claims
- Business Analytics
- Delivery Management/Route Planning
- Document Imaging/Management
- E-Commerce/Digital Marketing
- Inventory Management/Asset Tracking
Take a look, and see how HME’s information technology DNA is morphing
and changing to help providers adapt to an ever-changing healthcare and
funding environment:
HME Management Systems
These are the broad business platforms that offer a wide range of features ranging
from billing and claims management to operations efficiencies to inventory management,
etc. They aim to provide tools that can help HME providers manage most
of their business- and patient-oriented processes from a single platform.
Bonafide Management Systems
Bonafide Management Systems
(805) 908-2333
Year founded: 1981
Number of installed systems: Over 3,000 facility locations use Bonafide software
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: Java and MS SQL 2012
Latest enhancements: The system streamlines internal and external processes and
provides cloud-based 24/7 visibility into AR status and results. Updated software features
include inventory management, real-time tracking, electronic purchasing, just-in-time
ordering, point-of-sale, barcode scanning, real-time eligibility and remaining deductible
features. It is fully updated with current ICD-10 and EMV standards, HCPCS codes, payers,
shipping companies, vendors and manufacturers. The management system integrates with
existing technology infrastructures.
(888) 598-7797
Year Company Started: 2002
Number of Systems Installed: 2,200
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: Microsoft .net technology stack
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Revenue Cycle Workflow, a feature in its
core solution enabling HME providers to use set of integrated tools to stay on top of denials,
claims, reimbursements/collections. The feature identifies outstanding A/R and gives automation
to delegate/manage A/R work for greater efficiency and improved collections. Also
new is eReferral. Integrating with Epic Systems, it allows referral sources using Epic to electronically
submit referrals to HMEs vs. faxes, calls, or third-party portals. Referral sources
place orders via EHR. The HME’s Brightree system receives order, eliminating re-keying and
reducing errors. Brightree-based home health and hospice organizations submit referrals
to Brightree-based HMEs to electronically order supplies and equipment, receive delivery
notifications, request pickups and cancellations.
Mediware Information Systems
(888) 633-4927
Year Company Started: 1980
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site; A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: .Net technology, Microsoft SQL database back end
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Added Caretend Mobile application, Point
of Sale, and expanded documentation upgrades for face-to-face and written order prior to
delivery requirements
Healthcare Data Management
System (HDMS)
Universal Software Solutions
(810) 653-5000
Year Company Started: 2000
Number of Systems Installed: 211
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site; A hosted, web-based/SAAS system.
Technology used: VB6, .NET (3.0 through 4.5), and some integrations use JavaScript.
Reports are currently Crystal Reports. Database environment is Microsoft SQL (MSSQL).
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Ease and efficiency is the name of the game
for HMEs. This year HDMS development has yielded more design than the company says
it has seen in decades. In addition to giving users some form fill automation, daily life in
HDMS will easier thanks to a new Patient Workspace. The company says it is turning away
from processes that force its users to search for information, and instead put the information
front & center. A new Collections & Denial Management feature moves A/R departments
away from traditional report and chase, and into a collaborative worksheet that auto generates
a virtual “A/R To Do List” allowing claim resolution from one screen, as well as analytics
about how efficiently each user is collecting. AMobile Suite thrives allowing staff in the field
to work just as easily as those in the office. In addition to HME management, Universal also
provides pharmacy management.
Noble House
(800) 749-6700
Years company has been in business: 25
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site
Technology used: Delphi and SQL database management
Technology used: Noble House’s new Noble*Direct Version 11 includes new and upgraded
features such as an integrated patient flow control, enhanced security, same or similar check,
and patient eligibility all using an SQL database. The flow control system allows for customization
of all aspects of patient files from the initial enrollment through claim adjudication on
multiple product lines at one time. The enhanced flow control system, as well as document
tracker and patient eligibility lets providers follow a predetermined, streamlined path to
more efficiently take a patient from conception to completion.
System One
(800) 845-7558
Year Company Started: 1982
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site; A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: Proprietary
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: QS/1 has focused on the document
management side of things and giving the provider freedom to create documents to their
liking. New document management tools were developed to help providers successfully
manage documentation needs while enhancing patient and partner engagement. In addition
to document management features such as scanning and saving documents for future
reference, and let providers manage document workflow by allowing them to both create
any number of document queues and automatically route documents. Providers can create a
complete audit trail of paperwork that is organized and easily accessible. Scan required hardcopy
documents like intake forms, hard copy prescriptions, and insurance cards to create
digital files and attach them to records.
TeamDME! Inc.
(888) 832-6363
Year Company Started: 1988
Number of Systems Installed: 500
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site; A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: Borland Delphi Firebird SQL
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Mobile delivery tablet allows delivery technicians
to get patient signatures, and collect documentation. Customer Payment Portal allows
customers to pay their bill online. Providers can “Create Patient” when checking patient
eligibility and same-or-similar. Electronic purchase orders, acknowledgements and invoices
to andfrom vendors. Point-of-sale (POS) support for EMV devices (swipe or chip readers),
ApplePay and AndroidPay. Multi-time zone support. Ability to prefill CMS reopening, redetermination,
reconsideration, overpayment, refund, immediate recoupment. Ability to prefill
State Forms (Texas: Title 19, DME certification and receipt form, CCP prior authorization
form. Colorado: prior authorization form, and more). The ability to print refund checks for
overpayment or refund.
TIMS Software
Computers Unlimited
(406) 255-9500
Year Company Started: 1978
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site; A hosted system, but uses special
client software
Technology used: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 C# (C sharp) using WPF, WCF with .NET 4.5
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Because of increasingly restrictive regulations
to the HME/DME industry, TIMS A/R Collections Worklist, developed by Computers
Unlimited, has advanced revenue cycle management capabilities with targeted rules. Filter,
sort and search worklists to work important items first with access to the history of each
claim. To manage time and staff restrictions, TIMS Document Management module has been
enhanced to compress revenue cycle time. Monitor and validate all documentation from one
single application. CSRs can auto-generate prior approval paperwork as well as send, receive
and monitor the document exchange, validating the document to ensure that elements of
compliancy are met. Patient, physician and insurance documentation is readily available
limiting staff touches and redundant work
Accounts Receivable
These are systems that help providers maximize collection of patient payments,
such as co-pays.
A/R Allegiance Group LLC
(913) 338-4790
Year founded: 1999
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system,
Technology used: Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or above – SSIS packages, SQL, and standard
DB objects: Tables, Views, Procedures, Functions; ASP.Net, VB.Net, C#; VB and VB
Latest enhancements: By bundling more services, A/R Allegiance focuses primarily on
prevention of patient AR by making sure medical providers have obtained the appropriate
credit information from their clients. CollectPayLIVE – ARA’s online payment portal is now more fully integrated with COLLECTPlus and creates an unmatched communication system
for medical providers to communicate with their customers. New Offering - TouchCLAIM
– Slow payments by third-party (commercial) payers require costly staff for follow up.
Extensive field testing demonstrated an alternative method of requesting payment is needed.
These are systems specifically looking at claims and management processing. While
many of the HME Management systems began as billing and claims management
systems before evolving to cover the entirety of HME business management, these
systems remain focused squarely on billing and claims.
Reimbursement PRO
(866) 885-2974
Year founded: 2000
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: Java, JavaScript, Microsoft SQL Server
Latest enhancements: Designed to simplify the reimbursement and reconciliation process
with reimbursement and utilization reports, analysis and workflow tools. Reimbursement
PRO provides an executive dashboard overview, custom reporting, denial management and
appeal forms, and can work in conjunction with any practice management or billing system.
Security standards are monitored and updated on a regular basis. Appeal forms are added
and updated based on customer needs.
Business Analytics
These systems are focused on helping providers look at their business data and
draw meaningful conclusions they can put to a strategic end.
(866) 885-2974
Year founded: 2000
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: .NET/C#, JavaScript, Microsoft SQL Server, HP Vertica
Latest enhancements: TITAN is a comparative analytics solution that gives providers
access to information they need to better manage their business. Latest enhancements include
customizable role specific dashboards; an unlimited amount of historical data; and additional
peer comparisons. The system now also provides increased data grouping for simplified
data consumption, and the ability to share reports with other users. Users can create and
save reports specific to their role. The system now offers additional data analytics based on
claim level information, and utilization views highlight custom procedure selection outliers
compared to the market. Customizable KPI monitoring for all analytics is also available.
Delivery Management/Route Planning
A key business operations element for most HME providers is delivers and service
calls. Regardless of size and scale, most providers must manage their delivery
logistics. These systems focus on managing tasks such as route planning, vechicle
tracking, delivery notificatins, etc.
Apacheta TransportACE for HME
Apacheta Corporation
(610) 558-5852
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: The Apacheta solution has two primary software components.
TransportACE for HME is a handheld application that runs on Android and iOS devices
and performs proof of delivery, forms management, delivery workflow, and delivery route
management. Transport Manager is a web based application hosted in the Apacheta cloud
allowing for scheduling, routing, visual route management, and reporting.
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Apacheta has made over 50 enhancements
to it’s HME solution. The most recent announced at MedTrade Fall 2016 is route optimization
and On-Call workflow. The system also provides asset tracking.
Document Imaging/Management
Docuemntation is a key element of claims processing, and has become particularly important
now that CMS has expanded its expanded is Medicare claims auditing. These
systems help providers digitize and manage their claims and patient documentation.
4tellSoftware Inc.
(888) 261-7113
Year founded: 2014
Number of installed systems: New System
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Java and MySql
Latest enhancements: 4tellDocs is a new product that automates and simplifies the
documentation process for DMEPOS dispensing, claims, and audits so that providers spend
much less time preparing documents. 4tellDocs has an intelligent, optimized work flow that
consolidates multiple data sources and complex business rules so that users quickly and efficiently
gather critical information and create their documentation. 4tellDocs handles a wide
range of events such as Dispensing, Rentals, Refills, Replacements and Interrupted Use, and
includes over 40 different documents. The documentation, which is automatically matched to
events and products, includes Detailed Written Orders, CMN’s, Refill Requests, and product-specific
Medical Necessity Forms. 4tellDocs is available on an annual subscription basis.
Medforce Technologies Inc.
(866) 237-1190
Year Company Started: 2002
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site; A
hosted, web-based/SAAS system; A hosted system, but uses
special client software
Technology used: Programming languages: Delphi and C#
Database environments: Firebird and SQL
Latest enhancements: Medforce has added Automated Work
Distribution to better balance workloads, updated the calendaring
feature, strengthened integrations with third party
software as well as other Medforce products. The company also
developed Medforce Apps, a product suite of single, turnkey
workflows. These are available to any provider whether they
are a current BPM client or not, and provide focused solutions
to operational challenges, such as fax management, vendor
invoice management, A/R management, and overpayment& refund management by improving consistency, visibility and
WebScan PRO
(866) 885-2974
Year founded: 2000
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: Programming languages and database environments
used by system: Java, JavaScript, Microsoft SQL Server
Latest enhancements: WebScan PRO is a HIPAA-secure document
management solution that is designed to reduce document
retrieval time through the use of the latest in optical character
recognition (OCR)-based technology with enhanced image
pre-processing and improved recognition accuracy to identify,
index and file all documents for immediate online use. In terms
of recent updates, system quality is monitored and tweaked as
necessary to meet providers’ needs.
E-Commerce/Digital Marketing
Providers are quickly realizing that they must ramp up
their retail sales and their online markeitng. These systems
aim to help providers perfect their digital reach, or
manage their online sales, or both.
eRetail Simple
Health Mobius LLC
(855) 640-9500
Year Company
Started: 1997
Number of Systems Installed: 100
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: In house created software developed in
Microsoft SQL using best industry practices for SSL, PCI and security standards.
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: The Health
Mobius eRetail + Simple Platform makes it easy to sell retail products anywhere to any customer. eRetail Sales Apps aim to make it easy for provider to
process retail sales. Entire Web Store catalog with easy point of sale access anywhere on a
PC, tablet or mobile device. Set up, hosted, stocked and fully managed by Health Mobius.
eRetail is THE back end, point of sale system that enables HME/DME and pharmacies to take
orders for retail items without having to stock, ship or manage the virtual inventory. Health Mobius creates the online catalog with the ability to complete the transaction, including
payment processing. The eRetail Platform can easily integrate with your existing website
and social media accounts. Recent enhancements include ability for DME to customize
category and manufacturers available, sales tax handling, product videos with all catalog
updates, pricing, payment processing, order fulfillment and customer service fully managed
by Health Mobius.
Provider Websites & Digital Marketing Services
ARI Network Services Inc.
(866) 847-1795
Type of system: A hosted, web-based/SAAS system; Digital
marketing includes SAAS tools as well as agency-level services
Technology used: ARI has a proprietary content management system for HME provider
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Easy access to manufacturer content is
what ARI considers a key differentiators for its website platform. It has continued to build on
that by adding catalogs from Mckesson Medical and Surgical Appliance Industries in 2016.
ARI has also introduced platform improvements to enhance user experience resulting in an
average conversion rate increase of 36 percent for customers in an ARI test group. Finally, the
company reworked its Digital Marketing Services with new packages starting as low as $89
a month. The new entry-level Local Market Advantage package includes an online directory
management tool as well as a real-time performance dashboard including metrics for a
provider’s website, social and email accounts all in one place.
Inventory Management/Asset Tracking
Inventory represents a major portion of providers’ overhead. These systems are
designed specifically for inventory management.
Point of Rental Software
Point of Rental Inc.
(800) 944-7368
Year Company Started: 1982
Number of Systems Installed: 4,700
Type of system: A stand-alone system installed on-site; A hosted, web-based/SAAS system
Technology used: PHP, Javascript, Typescript, C#, VB.Net, MySQL, Redis, SQL Server,
Latest Systems Updates and Enhancements: Point of Rental Software provides rental
and inventory management software to over 4,700 locations of all sizes and industries
worldwide, including HME providers. Product enhancements for medical equipment rental
include upgrades to integrated webstores, the Mobile WorkForce App which provides GPS
tracking, dispatch, delivery notifications, remote digital signature capture, photo verification,
and remote maintenance ticket creation. Upgrades to the Contract Fulfillment App
with RFID streamline order preparation and quick return/receive functions. New reporting
features and multiple dashboards provide greater analytical insight. A customer rewards
program is now available for merchants to offer loyal customers. Kiosks are a new addition to
a cloud-based product.
This article originally appeared in the December 2016 issue of HME Business.