Oxygen | Pulse oximeter, tubing, filters, air purifiers, hospital bed, bed wedges, mattresses. |
Support Surfaces | Mattress overlays, floor mats, wedge guards, safety siderails, pillows, positioning devices, socks, reachers andgrabbers, trapeze, sheets and gowns, overbed table,specialty utensils; consider pairing with mobility products(power chairs, standard wheelchairs, and cushions), ADLs,and bath safety items (shower chairs/transfer benches,raised toilet seats, grab bars, bath mats, etc.). |
Mobility products | Wheelchairs, anti-tippers, wheelchair cushions and backs,walkers, canes, cane tips, wheelchair positioning belts,baskets, trays, backpacks, coffee cup holders, walkerbaskets, walker coasters, walker balls, rollator and accessories;consider pairing with support surfaces, ADLs andbath safety items. |
Sleep Products | CPAP headgear, masks, nasal pillows, humidifiers, saline,CPAP pillow, contoured pillows, specialty pillows, sheets,mattress pads, mattress encasements, pillowcases, beds,mattresses, headboards, footboards, bed trays. |
Aids to Daily Living | Lumbar cushions, crescent pillows, invalid rings, reachers,button/zipper aid, dressing aids, extended shoe horn,magnifiers, pill holders, eating accessories. |
Bath Safety | Shower chairs, tub chairs, grab bars, commodes, raisedtoilet seat, bath seats, transfer benches, toilet seat riser(both mounted and suction), shower head, bath mats, bathpillows, bath sponges, shower rods, ceiling track lifts fromroom to room; consider pairing bath safety items withalmost all of the above items, as they make great complementarycash sales items. |